IDNet Network Status


There are currently no service notifications.

Notifications are also available by RSS feed at and our Customer Portal .

Service Status

These statuses are updated manually when a confirmed incident has occurred.

Broadband - ADSL/FTTC/FTTP Good Service
Broadband - EtherWifi Good Service
E-Mail - Incoming (POP/IMAP/Webmail) Good Service
E-Mail - Incoming (Spam Filtering) Good Service
E-Mail - Outgoing (SMTP) Good Service
EtherPro Leased Lines Good Service
Hosting - Letchworth Good Service
Hosting - Telecity Good Service
Hosting - Telehouse Good Service
Peering - Amsterdam Good Service
Peering - Frankfurt Good Service
Peering - London Good Service
Peering - Paris Good Service
Peering - Stockholm Good Service
Service Update Good Service
Support - Telephone Good Service

Link Status

Automatic Service Monitoring

Our network providers perform essential maintenance on their networks during the early hours of the morning.
Reconnections and short periods of down time may be experienced.

Openreach Major Service Outages

There are no reported MSO's at this time.


Openreach Planned Engineering Work

The area codes below currently have planned engineering work taking place which may affect the broadband service on some lines for varying periods of time.


Advanced notification of Planned Engineering Works are available from the service specific 'notifications' button in the broadband section of the customer portal.